Jihee Park
Jihee Park (he/him)
Ph.D. Candidate, PLRG Lab.
School of Computing
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Research Interests
Binary Lifting
Program Transformation
Abstract Interpretation
Integrated MS & Ph.D. in Computer Science, Mar. 2020 - Present
School of Computing, KAIST
Advisor: Sukyoung Ryu
MS in Computer Science, Mar. 2019 - Feb. 2020
School of Computing, KAIST
BS in Mathematical Science & Computer Science, Mar. 2015 - Feb. 2019
Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST
International Publications
Jihee Park, Insu Yun, and Sukyoung Ryu, "Bridging the Gap between Real-World and Formal Binary Lifting through Filtered-Simulation," Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL) OOPSLA 2025, October 2025.
Jihee Park*, Sungho Lee*, Jaemin Hong, and Sukyoung Ryu, "Static Analysis of JNI Programs via Binary Decompilation," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), Vol. 49, No. 5, pp 3089-3105, 2023.
Jihee Park, Jaemin Hong, and Sukyoung Ryu, “Semantic Transformation Framework for Rewriting Rules,” Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation (PEPM), January 2023.
Jihyeok Park, Jihee Park, Seungmin An, and Sukyoung Ryu, “JISET: JavaScript IR-based Semantics Extraction Toolchain,” Proceedings of the 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), September 2020.
Domestic Publications
Jihee Park, and Sukyoung Ryu, "A Study on the Proof Structures of the Theorem Obtained using LEM in Coq," KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices, Vol. 30, No. 4, pp. 193-198, 2024.
Jihee Park, and Sukyoung Ryu, "Formal Decompilation Using Multi-Level Language Transformation", Proceedings of the Korea Software Congress (KSC), December 2023.
Jihee Park, and Sukyoung Ryu, "Safe Encapsulation of using LEM in Coq by Monadic Type", Proceedings of the Korea Software Congress (KSC), December 2022.
Jihee Park, and Sukyoung Ryu, "EVM Bytecode Analysis Using an Abstract-Index-Based Memory Analysis Technique," KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp. 217-222, 2020.
Jihee Park, and Sukyoung Ryu, "Pointer Analysis of EVM Bytecode using Abstract Interpretation," Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), June 2019.
Jihee Park, and Sukyoung Ryu, "LLVM IR Translation from Ethereum Bytecode ," Proceedings of the Korea Computer Congress (KCC), June 2018.
Student Research Competitions
Best Paper Award, "Pointer Analysis of EVM Bytecode using Abstract Interpretation", KIISE Korea Computer Congress (KCC) 2019, June 2019
Best TA Award (2020 Fall), KAIST School of Computing
Best TA Award (2019 Fall), KAIST School of Computing
Research Internship
École Normale Supérieure, 06/23/2018 - 07/29/2018
Professor: Xavier Rival
Subject: Re-entrancy issues of smart contracts
Student Volunteers
ICFP 2021, August 2021
ICFP 2020, August 2020
Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC) Member
OOPSLA 2020, November 2020
KAIST CS109 Programming Practice course, Teaching Assistant, 2017 Spring
KAIST CS320 Programming Languages course, Teaching Assistant, 2019 Fall
KAIST CS320 Programming Languages course, Teaching Assistant, 2020 Spring
KAIST CS320 Programming Languages course, Teaching Assistant, 2020 Fall
KAIST CS320 Programming Languages course, Teaching Assistant, 2021 Spring
KAIST CS320 Programming Languages course, Teaching Assistant, 2021 Fall
KAIST CS320 Programming Languages course, Teaching Assistant, 2022 Spring
KAIST CS320 Programming Languages course, Teaching Assistant, 2022 Fall
Rm. 4409, School of Computing (E3-1)
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Daehak-ro 291
Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu
Daejeon 305-701, Korea
Email: jiheepark [at] kaist.ac.kr