Yusung Sim
Ph.D. Candidate, PLRG Lab.
School of Computing
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Research Interests
Programming language specification frameworks
Ph.D. in Computer Science, Mar. 2023 - Present
School of Computing, KAIST
MS. in Computer Science, Mar. 2021 - Feb. 2023
School of Computing, KAIST
BS in Computer Science, Mar. 2016 - Feb. 2021
School of Computing, KAIST
International Conference & Journal
Jihyeok Park, Seungmin An, Wonho Shin, Yusung Sim, and Sukyoung Ryu, “JSTAR: JavaScript Specification Type Analyzer using Refinement,” Proceedings of the 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE), November 2021.
Doehyun Baek, Jakob Getz, Yusung Sim, Daniel Lehmann, Ben L. Titzer, Sukyoung Ryu, and Michael Pradel. 2024. Wasm-R3: Record-Reduce-Replay for Realistic and Standalone WebAssembly Benchmarks. Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 8, OOPSLA2, Article 347 (October 2024), 27 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3689787
Yusung Sim, Wonho Shin, Sungho Lee, Automated code transformation for distributed training of TensorFlow deep learning models, Science of Computer Programming, Volume 242, 2025, 103260, ISSN 0167-6423, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2024.103260
Domestic Conference & Journal
Yusung Sim, & Sukyoung Ryu (2022-12-20). Program Equivalence Checking for WebAssembly via Symbolic Execution. 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 제주.
Yusung Sim, Doehyun Baek, Jakob Getz, & Sukyoung Ryu (2023-12-20). Wasm Benchmark Generation by Recording and Replaying the Host Interoperation. 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집, 부산.
Yusung Sim, Doehyun Baek, Jakob Getz, & Sukyoung Ryu (2024). Wasm Benchmark Generation by Recording and Replaying the Host Interoperation. KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices, 30(7), 341-346, 10.5626/KTCP.2024.30.7.341
Yusung Sim. 2024. Improving the WebAssembly Specification Framework for Future Proposals. In APLAS 2024 SRC: Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems, Student Research Competition (Kyoto, Japan, October 22–25, 2024). Retrieved from https://conf.researchr.org/details/aplas-2024/src-and-posters%3F/12/-SRC-Improving-the-WebAssembly-Specification-Framework-for-Future-Proposals.
Rm. 4409, School of Computing (E3-1), KAIST
291 Daehak-ro
Daejeon 34141
Republic of Korea
Email: yusungsim [at] kaist.ac.kr